
Why Hire a Designer?

With all the various styles and taste out there, how do you know when your space is “good design”? So many people doubt their decisions in the selection of products and how everything will go together. Here are a few things that may help you on your way:

To start, it takes planning and organizing …..
AND THEN……it takes a good concept, a good eye and very often….. good drawings. You may have the concept before you begin, but if you don’t plan out your ‘attack’, it might never be reached.

Planning ahead is the most important thing to do. For instance, you might find that some products you were expecting to use may either be discontinued or out of stock. If you select your products and schedule ahead, any quirks that arrive can be worked out before most work starts. Planning ahead will give you the time to either select another option or order and receive products with long lead times.

It helps to have a specialist such as a Designer to help. Finding reputable people to work with is such an important factor. They can help you through so many of the difficult decisions. Good designers will try to get to know how your life functions and make decisions upon your likes and needs……and budget. Good designers and contractors will give you great options and ‘steer the boat’, but the bottom line is: Do you want the space to reflect you?
YOU are the one that should make the final decision on every phase of the job.

A designer can also produce a drawing or a set of drawings that will connect the people who are involved with the work to be done. It will also help you visualize the end product.

Finally, when the project is close to its end, and the Contractor is completing his work, you will need to put together a punch-list which is any items that may need adjustments.  A Designer can help you with this.  You may feel like this is being “too particular” but if you don’t bring things up, you may not be getting the job completed and certain items may bother you after everyone’s gone home.  Granted, some of the things on the punch-list may not be possible to change, but at least you will know your options.

There are so many ‘pieces to the puzzle’ …..I only touched on a few but I hope they help.
